A reflection on how we got here. PART 1

What a year it’s been! I couldn’t imagine that just over 6 months ago when I picked up my phone and started filming my latest Xiaomi phone purchase that it would have come this far. Here we are on the day after Christmas 2018, and I am celebrating 25 thousand subscribers, and nearly 5 MILLION VIEWS on my channel. How did this happen? A few thoughts on my journey and how we got here. This is an ongoing story so stay tuned for part 2 coming soon!

The history of my mobile tech obsession.

The reality was, that Xiaomi Mi 8 that I debuted in June was not the first phone I had purchased that year. Yeah I can admit I was buying and trying phones long before this point. My obsession with phones and tech really started back in early 2012. I had just purchased my first iPhone a year back and was what you would consider your typical phone user. Due to circumstances in April 2012 I found myself without a job and in some tough times. I had no choice but to sell off my iPhone 4S and find a cheaper alternative. It was that moment that I was first exposed to the world of Android and purchased a used Samsung Galaxy S (yes as much as I dislike Samsung now, I used to love them) as my daily driver. By the end of 2012 I had tried a number of Android phones, and even was able to sell a few for profit. I always wanted to get an iPhone again when I could afford it, but looking back I really have to thank Android as a platform for giving me affordable options to get through that tough year. By years end I found myself using a Galaxy S2 and even a used iPhone 3GS, not the best lineup, but it served my needs. And then came Nexus. I had heard about the Nexus line of phones (Galaxy S in 2010 and Galaxy Nexus in 2011) and when the Nexus 4 was released I just marvelled at this very simple yet elegant looking device. I knew I wanted one, but in no way could afford it. In May 2013 I was about to start a new role that would take me to the US for an extended period. At this point my 3GS was falling apart, and I had sold my Galaxy phone to survive. I knew I needed something better for my trip. So I sold my iPhone and went full Android, I found a great deal on a used Nexus 4. This became my daily driver for this trip, and for the next 4 months as I built my new career. But the exposure to Android and all of its choice, and the need to scratch that itch never left.

Why I use iPhones but love Android.

I think most people use iPhones because as they say, they just work, and I will always love Apple and the iPhone for being just that. I was the kid who owned a Mac when no one else did, and was even made fun of when I walked into school for the first time with this new device called the “iPod”. Apple products will always be near and dear to me. But what Apple can’t give me is this general sense of choice, almost even a sense of risk. I know when I buy an iPhone what to expect. And it’s very comforting, but that comfort can also become very boring! With Android I always know that the next phone I try may be great and it may be just ok. It may be terrible, but it may be one the best technology experiences EVER. It’s that range of experiences you can have on Android at various price points that makes it so exciting. Add to that the multiple companies creating multiple phones every single month and you have the makings of a very dynamic and exciting industry to follow. The iPhone is like taking a walk in beautifully manicured and laid out Italian garden. You can appreciate the beautiful symmetry and design, and you are in no danger. Android is like taking a walk in the forest… at night! You don’t know what you will find and it’s risky at times, scary even, but it is thrilling! A big part of my love of technology comes from this variation that Android provides so I love it for that reason, even though I do also enjoy the comforts of iOS and the ease of use it offers.

I was making a tech channel before I knew it.

So going back to my story. By the end of 2013 things are looking up. My new job is going well, and I’ve finally repurchased an iPhone to use as well (iPhone 5), but the Android itch was still there! My time on the Nexus 4 made me really appreciate the simple utilitarian nature of stock Android, and with the Nexus 5 having been recently announced I knew I had to scratch that itch again. I sold my Nexus 4 and got the Nexus 5 (which to this day I still consider one of the best Android phones ever). I spent most of 2014 using that Nexus 5, but also exploring my new love for Motorola and its Moto X 2013, and eventually the Moto X 2014. In 2014 I also bought my first Xiaomi phone, the Mi 3. I remember liking but not loving the Mi 3, but it was only when I purchased the Mi 4 in late 2014 that I thought, “Hey this Xiaomi is onto something here”. At this point you see, even before I posted that very first tech video in 2015, I was REALLY INTO phones. I remember having to explain to people, why do I have a different phone so often? I couldn’t really describe it to them, but I can sum it up as follows: the smartphone is the most important and widely used piece of technology that has ever been created, and it has transformed society in ways we haven’t even begun to fathom, with new phones being released that evolve and improve our experience with technology. What’s not to be excited about?! By 2015 I was the guy who always had the new interesting phone, and who was obsessed with talking about technology and mobile tech. So what did I do about it? I decided to take my passion and make a first attempt at creating a venue for it. So in January 2015 (using my Go Pro Hero 3 Silver) I pressed play and filmed my first ever Frankie Tech video. I followed up a few days later with my first comparison video, the Moto X 2014 vs my newly purchased Nexus 6. And then, I stopped. And I didn’t make another video ever again…

TO BE CONTINUED… (because we obviously know that’s not true!)